Flowers Inspired By Primeroses - Colaborare 31 (31 Weeks Challenge)

RO: Daca e sambata e timpul pentru o alta tema din "Colaborarea 31 Manichiuri" care se numeste "Flori". Oricum se pare ca in ultimul timp am fost inspirata de modele cu flori poate si din cauza faptului ca astept primavara care intarzie sa apara. Florile care m-au inspirat astazi sunt primulele, exista intr-o varietate numeroasa de culori, insa eu am ales culorile roz si violet. Dar cel mai bine e sa va las in compania pozelelor: EN: If it's Saturday it's time for another theme of the "31 Weeks Challenge" that is called "Flowers". Howewer is seems that lately I've been inpired by designs with flowers perhaps because I'm waiting for the spring that delays to come. The flowers that inpired me today are the primeroses (primulas), they exist in a large variety of colors, but I chose pink and purple. But it's best to let you with the pictures: My inspiration RO: Am folosit urmatoarele produse: 1. KAL...