
Se afișează postări din martie, 2013

Flowers Inspired By Primeroses - Colaborare 31 (31 Weeks Challenge)

RO: Daca e sambata e timpul  pentru o alta tema din "Colaborarea 31 Manichiuri" care se numeste "Flori". Oricum se pare ca in ultimul timp am fost inspirata de modele cu flori poate si din cauza faptului ca astept primavara care intarzie sa apara. Florile care m-au inspirat astazi sunt primulele, exista intr-o varietate numeroasa de culori, insa eu am ales culorile roz si violet. Dar cel mai bine e sa va las in compania pozelelor: EN: If it's Saturday it's time for another theme of the "31 Weeks Challenge" that is called "Flowers". Howewer is seems that lately I've been inpired by designs with flowers perhaps because I'm waiting for the spring that delays to come. The flowers that inpired me today are the primeroses (primulas), they exist in a large variety of colors, but I chose pink and purple. But it's best to let you with the pictures: My inspiration RO: Am folosit urmatoarele produse: 1. KAL...

Green Nails - Colaborare 31

RO: Desi e vant si rece afara, eu mi-am petrecut dimineata intr-un mod mai placut si mai cald mi-am facut unghiutele pentru tema colaborari de azi "Unghii Verzi". Am realizat un model cu lalele in speranta ca se va incalzi timpul :D. EN: Although is windy and cold outside, I spent my morning in a pleasant and warm way I made my nails for today's collaboration theme "Green Nails ". I made a model with tulips in hope that the time will heat :D. RO: Am folosit urmatoarele produse: 1. Oja RIMMEL "Limealicious" nr.460 2. Oja  KALLOS High Gloss nr.4 pe inelar 3. Culori acrilice OUMAXI, nuante: mov, galben si alb 4. Culori acrilice DACO, nuante: rosu si verde 5. O pensula NAIL ART subtire 6. Base coat Top coat KALLOS 3 in 1 Shine EN: I used the followings products: 1. RIMMEL nailpolish "Limealicious" no.460 2. KALLOS nailpolish no. 4 on the ringfinger 3. Acrylic paint OUMAXI, shades: mauve, y...

Fancy Blue with White

RO:  Dupa cum stiti si voi sunt o iubitoare a culorii albastru asa ca pentru astazi m-am gandit sa realizez un model  folosind  combinatia de culori albastru-alb si cu aceasta ocazie sa probez si noile mele culori acrilice Oumaxi. Sper ca in curand sa-mi iau si cateva pensule mai bune pentru nail art :). EN: As you know I am inlove with the blue color so for today I thought to do a model using a blue-white color combination and on this ocasion to use my new acrylic colours Oumaxi. I hope soon to get me some better nail art brushes. RO: Am folosit urmatoarele produse de la stanga la dreapta: 1. ESSENCE Just Rock It 2. KALLOS High Glosss Quick Dry nr. 4 pe inelar 3. Culori acrilice OUMAXI, nuante: alb si albastru inchis 5. O pensula Nail Art subtire 6. Base coat Top coat KALLOS 3 in 1 shine EN: I used the following products from left to right: 1. ESSENCE Just Rock It 2. KALLOS High Gloss Quick Dry no.4 on the ring finger 3. Acrylic paint OUMAX...

Provocare manichiura dungata - Striped Manicure Challenge

Follow my blog with Bloglovin RO: Zilele acestea am avut placerea de a ma inscrie intr-un concurs organizat de  un blog absolut minunat despre fashion, tinute si nu numai. Tema concursului sunt dungile iar premiul zece oje minunate AVON, bineanteles ca m-am inscris si eu azi cu un model alaturi de alte fete participante :D. Iata si modelul meu : EN: These days I had the pleasure to enroll in a competition organized by  a wonderful blog about fashion, outfits and more. The competition theme is stripes and the prize then wonderful nailpolishes from AVON, of course I signed up with a model along with other participating girls :D. Hers is my model: RO :Am folosit urmatoarele produse: 1. Oja de baza CHINA GLAZE Keep Calm,Paint On 2. Oja ESSENCE Colour 3 in 1 Shopping Trip in Soho pe inelar 3. O pensula Nail Art subtire pentru detalii 4. Culori acrilice DACO nuante: galben si negru 5. Base coat Top coat Kallos 3 in...

Swatch and Review CHINA GLAZE Avant Garden Collection Spring 2013 -Mimosa's Before Mani's + Keep Calm, Paint On

RO: Astazi sunt incantata sa va arat doua dintre noutatile mele CHINA GLAZE din colectia "Primavara 2013" care se numeste "Avant Garden" . Bineanteles ca atunci cand vine vorba de nouatati in materie de oje comand intotdeauna de pe  Beauty In The Bottle   sunt intotdeauna promti, ofera detalii referitoare la produsele lor si ai posibilitatea de a comanda produse care nu le au pe stoc pe baza de comanda. Iata si frumusetile mele: EN: Today I am excited to show you two of my CHINA GLAZE news from the "Spring 2013" collection called "Avant Garden" . Naturally when it comes to nailpolishes I always order from  Beauty In The Bottle  because they are always prompt, provide details about their products and you can order products that do not have in their stock with demand. Here are my beautyes: RO: Mimosa's Before Manis - este un coral piersica cu particule mici de sclipici auriu.Consistenta ojei e putin subtire de aceea  apl...

Animal Print Giraffe - 31 teme de manichiuri (31 Weeks Challenge)

RO: Buna fetelor!!! Am avut o saptamana destul de plina si lipsita de inspiratie, nu am reusit sa postez saptamana aceasta.  Asa ca aseara tarziu m-am hotarat sa ma inscriu in colaborarea "31 teme de manichiuri " ,mi-a suras ideea unui "Animal Print" aveam de mult in cap ideea unui print mai deosebit. Printul meu e destul de hazliu , dar sa vedem parerea voastra: EN: Hy Girls!!!  I had a pretty full weak and lacking inspiration so I could not post this week. So late last night I decided to subscribe to the collaboration "31 Weeks Challenge" , I smiled at the idea of a "Animal Print" I had the idea of a special print in my head from along time. My print is pretty funny, but let's see what you think: RO: Am folosit urmatoarele produse de la stanga la dreapta: 1. Oja de baza Rimmel I love Frutties Lasting Finish "Lemon Drop"( chiar lasa un miros de lamaie la uscare, imi place) 2. Oja Essence " Wann...

10 Days of Nail Art - 10.Zig Zag Nails

RO : Iata ca se incheie si aceasta colaborare draguta, azi este ultima tema din colaborarea "10 Zile de Nail Art" care se numeste "Zig Zag". Mi-a facut placere sa particip la aceasta colaborare, am realizat modele noi si am  avut posibilitatea sa cunosc si sa lucrez alaturi de alte bloggerite pasionate. Iar aceastea fiind zise va las in compania Zig Zagurilor mele : EN: Behold this pretty collaboration ends, todays is the last theme of the collaboration  "10 Days of Nail Art" called "Zig Zag" . I was pleased to participate in this collaboration, I developed new models and had the opportunity to meet and work along side other passionate bloggers. And that being said I leave you in my Zig Zags company:   RO: Am folosit urmatoarele produse de la stanga la dreapta: 1. Farmasi nr. 14 2. Esssence "Black is Back" pe inelar 3. O pensula Nail Art subtire pentru detalii 4. Culori acrilice Daco , nuante: alb. negru, ...

Colaborare: 1 MARTIE (1st MARCH Collaboration)

RO: 1 Martie marcheaza venirea primaverii. In aceasta zi noi celebram sarbatoarea Martisorului , triumful primaverii asupra iernii, obiectul cu snur alb si rosu fiind un simbol al reanoirii timpului si al renasterii naturii. Modelul meu de azi doreste sa reprezinte aceasta zi de sarbatoare. Iata modelul meu: EN: 1st March marks the coming of spring. On this day we celebrate the feast Martisor , the triumph of the spring over winter,the object covered with red and white cord as a symbol of renewing of the time and rebirth of nature.  My today's model want to represent this day of celebration. And here is my model: RO:  Am folosit urmatoarele produse de la stanga spre dreapta: 1. Essence "Fame Fatal" 2. Gabrini nr. 302 pe inelar 3. O pensula Nail Art subtire pentru detalii 4. Culori acrilice Daco, nuante: alb, rosu 5. Top coat Orkide Fast Dry EN: I used the following products from left to right: 1. Essence "Fame Fatal" 2. Gabrini ...