Blue Nails - Colaborare 31 (31 Weeks Challenge)

Dupa o saptamana nu prea buna in care am reusit sa raman fara unghia mica de la mana dreapta si m-am plimbat foarte des la medic,acum astept sa-mi creasca alta unghie. Oricum nu vreau sa va plictisesc prea tare cu problemele mele asa ca cel mai bine va inveselesc cu " Unghiile Albastre " pe care le-am realizat pentru colaborarea "31 teme de manichiuri",un model simplu dar dragut. After a not so good week I managed to lost the right hand little fingre nail and I often walked to the doctor, now I expect to grow my nail back. Anyway I don't want to bore you too much with my problems so best I cheer you up with my " Blue Nails " that i made for the collaboration "31 Weeks Challenge", a simple but cute model. Am folosit urmatoarele produse: 1. ESSENCE "The Boy Next Door" 2. KALLOS High Gloss nr. 4 3. Intrumentul de puncte 4. Top coat KALLOS I used the following products: 1. ESSENCE "The Boy Next ...