NOTD Inspired By Artwork "THE LOVING TREE" - Colaborare 31 (31 Weeks Challenge)
Am asteptat sa vina ziua de azi, pentru ca am fost foarte incantata de tema noua din " Colaborarea 31 Teme de Manichiuri" care se numeste " Inspirata De Arta, Grafica, Ilustrare ". Pe mine m-a inspira arta abstracta, asa ca am gasit pe internet un tablou si mi-a placut mult se numeste " Copacul iubitor " realizat de artista Sharon Cumming s si m-am hotarat sa-l folosesc ca si model pentru tema de azi. Sper sa va placa rezultatul si sa gasiti asemanarea dintre intepretarea mea si tablou: I expected today to come because I was really excited about the new theme from " 31 Weeks Challenge " called " Inspired By Artwork ". I'm inspired by abstract art so I found on internet a painting and I really liked, called 'The Loving Tree" by artist Sharon Cummings and I decided to use it as a model for today's theme. Hope you enjoy the result and find the resemblance between my interpretation and the painting: ...