T.P.A Group Challenge: 28. Tutti Frutti

Buna tuturor, In acest weekend ne bucuram de sanatatea si deliciul fructelor. Cum ? Prin intremediul temei de azi " Tutti Frutti " din colaborarea " T.P.A Group Challenge ". Si minunatele fructe pe unghiile mele: Hi everyone, This weekend we enjoy the health and delight of the fruits. How? Through the today's theme " Tutti Frutti " from the collaboration " T.P.A Group Challenge ". And the wonderful fruits on my nails: Am ales doar cateva dintre fructele mele preferate, adevarul e ca imi plac aproape toate. Care sunt fructele voastre preferate? I chose just a few of my favorite fruits, the truth is that I like almost all. What are your favourite fruits? Care sunt fructele alese de fete? haideti sa vedem impreuna: What are the fruits chosen by the girls? Let's see together: 1. Oana - http://wanna-nails.blogspot.com/ 2. Madalina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro/ ...