Into The Stars
Buna dragele mele, Pentru postarea de azi am vrut sa creez ceva vesel, colorat si in acelasi timp de vara asa ca m-am hotarat sa folosesc rozul "Neon &On&On" de l-a China Glaze si stickerele de unghii de la bornprettystore . Mie imi place rezultatul sper ca si voua: Hi my dears, For today's post I wanted to create something colorful and cheerful and for the summer so I decided to use the pink "Neon&On&On" the China Glaze and the nail art stickers from bornprettystore . I like the result I hope you to: Oja China Glaze arata fabulos in combinatie cu stickerele neon in forma de stea de la bornprettystore le gasiti la un pret si foarte bun de $ 1.59 si e solutia rapida pentru a avea o manichiura frumoasa si deosebita in cateva momente. China Glaze nail polish looks fabulous in combination with the nail art stickers star-shaped neon from can be found at bornprettystore with a very good price of $ 1.59 and i...