OPI Liquid Sand Combination

In sfarsit mi-am facut timp si pentru o noua postare asa ca o sa va arat manichiura pe care o port momentan pe unghii. Nu am realizat nici un model pe unghiute si nici nu cred macar ca ar fi necesar, combinatia ojelor Liquid Sand OPI Get You r Number si OPI Honey Ryder creeaza o manichiura eleganta si de efect. Dar cel mai bine ar fi sa va las in compania pozelor: I finally made time for a new post so I will show it to you what I wear on my nails. I did not realize any design on my nails and I do not think that would by necesary, the combination of the OPI Get Your Number and OPI Honey Ryder Liquid Sand nail polishes creates an elegant manicure. But the best would be to leave you in the company of the photos: Cred ca acesti cercelusi sunt draguti si reusesc sa se incadreze cu aceasta manichiura :). I think that this earrings are cute and they manage to fit with this mani :). Ma declar absolut indragostita de aceste oje iar efectul lor de " Nis...