OPI Liquid Sand Combination

In sfarsit mi-am facut timp si pentru o noua postare asa ca o sa va arat manichiura pe care o port momentan pe unghii.
Nu am realizat nici un model pe unghiute si nici nu cred macar ca ar fi necesar, combinatia ojelor Liquid Sand OPI Get Your Number si OPI Honey Ryder creeaza o manichiura eleganta si de efect.
Dar cel mai bine ar fi sa va las in compania pozelor:

I finally made time for a new post so I will show it to you what I wear on my nails. I did not realize any design on my nails and I do not think that would by necesary, the combination of the OPI Get Your Number and OPI Honey Ryder Liquid Sand nail polishes creates an elegant manicure.
But the best would be to leave you in the company of the photos:

Cred ca acesti cercelusi sunt draguti si reusesc sa se incadreze cu aceasta manichiura :).

I think that this earrings are cute and they manage to fit with this mani :).

Ma declar absolut indragostita de aceste oje iar efectul lor de "Nisip Lichid" pe unghiute e pur si simplu wow :P.

I'm absolutely in love with this polishesand theyr "Liquid Sand" effect on nails is simply wow :P.

Care sunt ojele voastre preferate care ofera acest efect pe unghii?

 What are your favorite polishes offering this effect on nails?


  1. Ce-mi place Honey Rider! Foarte frumoase unghiutele!

  2. Place chiar muuult combinatia si sincer eu prima data am crezut ca e un close up in poza nu cercei si stateam si ma uitam unde sunt cerceii :))

  3. intr-adevar se confunda usor cu manichiura acesta a fost si motivul pentru care mi-au atras atentia si i-am cumparat :)

  4. Foarte misto manichiura si combinatia, cerceii sunt deliciosi!

  5. just buy it for`sure you wan't be dissapointed :)

  6. eu le ador pe amandoua dar intr-adevar Honey Ryder are o anumita delicatete si eleganta aparte :D

  7. Sunt minunate, foarte simple, dar in acelasi timp elegante si de efect :)

  8. Ce-mi place cum sclipeste ojaaaaa! Ambele sunt faine rau de tot, dar cea albastra e si mai si!!

  9. Ambele oje arata superb, mai ales cea albastra :)

  10. da si mie imi plac cercei ii port foarte des in aceasta perioada

  11. Combinatia arata excelent.
    Imi place foarte mult. :)

  12. I was so suprised when I saw you blog for the first time:) Ela isn't popular name here, in Poland and I didn't think that people in other countries have the same one;) I know, it's shorter form of your name, now:)
    I hope you come back soon:)

  13. thanks Ela i'm glad that you like my blog's name and i hope you will return with pleasure to see my nails :)


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