Konad nail art
In ultimul timp una din pasiunile mele a devenit pictura pe unghii.Mi-am achizitionat pensulite si vopsea acrilica si
mai recent mi-am luat un set Konad format din stampila si razatoare pe care l-am gasit intamplator in mall iar matritele le-am comandat de pe latinonails preturile spun eu sunt bune :).
O sa va arat in curand si ce modele se pot obtine utilizand acest set.
Voi a-ti incercat produsele Konad ce parere aveti despre ele?
Recently one of my passions became nail art. I bought acrylic paint and brush andI recently got a set consisting of stamp and grated Konad that I found by chance in the mall and image plats that I ordered from latinonails the price is good :) for our country.I will show you soon what models can be obtained using this set.You have tried Konad products what do you think about them?
Matrita M45
Matrita M64
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