Ser anticadere par Gerovital Plant-Anti-hair loss serum

Imi iubesc parul ca orice femeie de aceea cand imi gasesc parul prin alte parti si nu in cap ma ingrijorez.Asa ca am zis totusi sa previn si mi-am luat serul de anticadere a parului de la Gerovital Plant.Parul meu este vopsit blond de aceea necesita multa atentie si multe produse de ingrijire.Normala este caderea unui numar de 50 de fire pe zi peste 100 de fire este un motiv de ingrijorare.Caderea parului pe de alta parte poate avea atat cauze interne cat si externe iar cateva cauze frecvente ar fi: stresul,bolile,o alimentatie defectuoasa,lipsa unor vitamine si minerale din organism, vopseaua de par,produse de coafat in exces,placa de par etc.Acest produs romanesc  promite ca si efect eliminarea cauzelor care atrofiaza radacina firului si inhiba formarea de noi foliculi pilosi.Prin imbunatatirea metabolismului celular activeaza cresterea parului si intareste si radacina firelor existente.Cum se uitlizeaza acest produs pe parul proaspat spalat cu sampon, Gerovital recomanda si samponul Anticadere dar eu m-am spalat cu samponul meu obisnuit,se aplica serul cat mai la radacina ,acesta este usor de aplicat deoarece ambalajului este sub forma de sprei deci se pulverizeaza si se maseaza 2-3 minute.Acest produs nu se clateste, se foloseste de 2-3 ori pe saptamana la mine e deja a 3-a oara se obseva usor efectele,perioada de tratament este de 6 saptamani.Ce parere aveti despre acest produs si in general despre produsele de la Gerovital Plant?

I love my hair like any woman so when I found hair in other places and not in my head I got worried .I said to prevent so I took the anti-hair loss serum from Gerovital Plant.My hair is dyed blond so requires more attention and many care products.Normal is a total loss of 50 hairs per day over 100 hairs is a reason to concern.Hair loss on the other hand can be both internal and external causes and some common causes would by as: stress, illness, poor eating, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, hair dye, excessive styling products, hair plate etc.This  Romanian product promises to eliminate the causes and effects that weaken the line and inhibit root formation new hair follicles.By improving cellular metabolism activates and strengthens hair growth and root hairs existing.How to use this product: on freshly washed hair with shampoo and shampoo recommended by Gerovital, but I was washing with my regular shampoo, apply serum at the root, it is easy to apply because the package is in the drill so to spray and massage 2-3 minute.This product does't  rinse,it uses 2-3 times a week to me is already the 3rd time i can see easily the effects,the treatment period is 6 weeks.What you think about this product?


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