Valentine's Day Series - The Sweetheart

Si iata sunt la a doua tema din seria de Valentines Day " The Sweetheart ". Pentru acest model am folosit o combinatie de rosu si alb si bineanteles inimioare, Carla a fost cea care m-a inspirat cu unghiutele ei rosii :). Sper sa va placa reprezentarea mea :D. And here is the second issue from the Valentine"s Day Series " The Sweetheart ". For this model I used an red and white combination and of course hearts, Carla was the one who inspired my with her red nails :). I hope you enjoy my represantion :D. Produse pe care le-am folosit la realizarea modelului,ojele de la dreapta la stanga: oja de baza Gabrini nuanta alb mat oja Essence Fame Fatal nuanta rosie culori acrilice Daco , nuante: alb si rosu o pensula Nail Art subtire pentru detalii top coat Essence gel-look Products I used to achieve this model,the nailpolishes from right to left: as my base nailpolish Gabrini matte white shade nailpolish Essence Fa...