ESSENCE Season of Extremes "Just The Nude of Us" Swatch and Review

Zilele acestea am fost putin ocupata si am intarziat cu postarile, de aceea azi mi-am propus sa va prezint o manichiura nude simpla si o alta oja Essence.
Dar iata si manichiura mea de azi:

I was a little busy this days and I am late with the post, that's why I wanted to present you a simple nude manicure and another Essence nailpolish.
But here is my today manicure:

Cele doua oje combinate
The two nailpolishes combined

Oja bej nude simpla
The simple nude beige color

Nuanta 04-"Just the Nude of us" face parte din colectia limitata SEASON OF EXTREMES colour 3 Primavara 2012.
Aceasta oja este formata din doua nuante: un bej nude si un sclipici cu tonuri de albastru-verzui si argintiu.
Imi plac acest tip de oje sunt extrem de practice, poate fi purtata doar oja simpla nude, doar sclipiciul (sau poate fi aplicat peste orice alta oja)sau pot fi combinate aceste doua oje asa cum am procedat si eu. 

The shade 04-"Just the nude of us" is part of the limited Spring 2012 collection SEASON OF EXTREMES colour 3.
This nailpolish is composed of to shades: a nude beige and a teal and silver glitter.I like this tipe of nailpolishes because they are extremely practical, can be worn just the simple nude polish, only glitter (or can be applied over any polish) or this two polishes can be combined as I proceed.

Acestea sunt toate nuantele din colectia colour 3 SEASON OF EXTREMES, din pacate eu am gasit doar aceasta nuanta.
De sus in jos: 

01 It’s Two Bright – 02 Brightsmates – 03 We Are All Bright
04 Just The Nude Of Us – 05 Team Nude – 06 My Best Nude Friends and Me

These are all of the shades colur 3 collection SEASON OF ESTREMES, unfourtunately I found only this shade.
From the top to the bottom:

01 It’s Two Bright – 02 Brightsmates – 03 We Are All Bright
04 Just The Nude Of Us – 05 Team Nude – 06 My Best Nude Friends and Me

Nu-i asa ca e draguta aceasta nuanta nude?

 Isn't she lovely this nude color? 

P.S: Va place noul aspect al blogului? :)

P.S: Do you like the new look of the blog?:)


  1. Cat e de frumoasa oja nude simpla asa:x e superba...m-a cucerit clar!:*

  2. Ce nude frumos :X Eu n-am vazut pe nicaieri ojele astea...

    1. din pacate la noi nu se gasesc, eu am gasit-o tocmai in Italia :)

  3. Ce oja minunata!! Dar din nefericire nici eu n-am vazut nuantele astea la mine in oras :(

    1. dupa cum ii spuneam si lui Josephine la noi nu se gasesc si din pacate mai era doar aceasta nuanta altfel mi le-as fi luat pe toate :)

  4. Hihi, ti-ai schimbat sablonul :) arata foarte dragut :* imi plac oja bej, arata bine atat singura cat si cu sclipicicel :)


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