Oh Happy Day Nails - GOLDEN ROSE Rich Color and Galaxy Swatch

Astazi v-am pregatit o postare noua cu doua dintre minunatele oje pe care le-am primit spre testare de la cosmania.ro.

Today I have prepared a new post with two of the wonderful nail polishes received for testing from cosmania.ro

Ca si baza am folosit albastrul violet Golden Rose RICH COLOR cu numarul 38 imi place nespus de mult pensula lata care face aplicarea usoara si rapida, iar pe inelar am folosit minunata Golden Rose GALAXY cu numarul 26 un mix intre particule mici de culoare alb,negru si mov si particule mari de sclipici arginti cu aspect holografic.
Aplicarea la ambele oje am realizat-o in doua straturi.
Pentru model am aplicat cateva stickere de unghii pe baza de apa cu trandafiri, fluturasi si cuvintele "Happy Day".

As a base I used the violet blue Golden Rose RICH COLOR with the number 38 I am overjoyed wide brush which makes the application easy and quick, and for the ring finger I used the wonderful  Golden Rose GALAXY number 26 a mix between tiny particles of white, black and purple glitter  and large particles of silver holographic glitter.
For the both nailpolishes I used two coats.
For the model I applied a few water decals with roses,butterflyes and words "Happy Day".

Va place manichiura mea?

Daca va plac ojele mele Golden Rose sau v-a doriti o anumita nuanta le puteti achiztiona de pe cosmania.ro unde le gasiti in variate game si culori, in plus in aceasta perioada gamele Golden Rose IMPRESSION si Carnival le gasiti reduse de la 15 RON  la 8 Ron.

Do you like my manicure?

If you like my Golden Rose nail polishes or if you want a particular shade you can buy it from cosmania.ro where you can't find them in various ranges and colors, plus in this period Golden Rose  Rose IMPRESSION and Carnival can be found discounted from $ 5 to $ 2.

Acestea sunt toate ojele primite de la cosmania.ro, pe care v-ar placea sa o vedeti intr-o alta postare?

Va pup si va urez o zi minunata :D.

These are all the nail polishes received from cosmania.ro, which one would you love to see it in another post?

I kiss you all and I wish a wonderful day :D.


  1. Divina oja Rich Color! Imi place foarte mult nuanta. Iar manichiura este minunata. Oja de la Galaxy o am si eu. Pupici.

  2. Wow! Superba oja albastra. Imi place la nebunie per total manichiura:D

  3. cristinanails7 mai 2014 la 17:14

    Foarte frumoase ojele iar manichiura ta este super eleganta.

  4. Wowww esti o adevarata artista!!!!! :* :*

  5. Nails y poco mas8 mai 2014 la 10:39

    Sunt frumoase Ela si finute ,elegante

  6. Ambele oje sunt superbe, iar manichiura ta arata impecabil!

  7. Ambele oje sunt frumoase. Arata foarte bine in combinatia asta si cu water decals-uri.

  8. Foarte frumos review si superba oja de la rich color. Imi plac tare mult si trandafirii! :*

  9. Oana Alexandru9 mai 2014 la 16:59

    superba manichiura Mihaela,oja e wwwwoooooowwwww


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