Sunrise Ombre Nails with Golden Rose CARNIVAL

Cred ca a trecut ceva timp de cand nu am mai realizat o manichiura ombre ,asa ca m-am pus pe treaba si am realizat un ombre mai deosebit, asa ca sper sa v-a placa rezultatul:

I think it's been some time since I have done a ombre manicure, so I put it on and I have achieved a more distinctive ombre so I hope you like the result:

Ombre-ul  l-am realizat cu ajutorul ojelor de mai jos in culorile: galben, portocaliu si rosu tamponat cu buretele peste o baza alba, iar la final am aplicat superba oja galbena Golden Rose CARNIVAL numarul 14 primita de la Cand am terminat manichiura mi s-a parut ca seamana cu un "rasarit de soare" de unde si titlul din postare.

I've done the ombre using the nail polishes below in the colors: yellow, orange and red sponge over a white base, and in the end I applied the gorgeous Golden Rose CARNIVAL yellow nail polish number 14 from When I finished my manicure felt that resembles a "sunrise" hence the title of the post.                                     

Am ramas frumos impresionata de efectul ojei Golden Rose CARNIVAL numarul 14, nu seamana cu nici o oja pe care o detin eu in prezent.
Consistenta ei este destul de densa nu m-am chinuit ca si l-a alte oje sa pescuiesc particulele, doar am aplicat-o intr-un singur strat peste ombre si gata.
Cred ca aceasta oja ofera un efect minunat mai ales ojelor inchise, data viitoare voi incerca s-a o aplic peste o baza neagra.

I was pretty impressed by the effect of the nail polish Golden Rose CARNIVAL number 14, doesn't sound like any nail polish that I currently own.
Her consistency is thick enough I hadn't overdone as it have done on other nail polishes where I had to fish the particles out the botle, I only applied it in a single layer over ombre and ready.
I think this nail polish provides a wonderful effect especially on dark nail polishes, next time I'll try to apply it over a black base.

Daca v-a tenteaza ojele Golden Rose, gamele CARNIVAL si Impression acum le gasiti pe la un pret special de 8 Ron in loc de 15 Ron.

Va place manichiura mea de azi?

If you are tempted by the Golden Rose nail polishes , CARNIVAL and Impression can be found on at a special price of $ 2 instead of $ 5.

Do you like my today's manicure?


  1. Superba manichiura.Oja de la Golden Rose ii da un aspect minunat.

  2. plioti nicoletta manuela14 mai 2014 la 15:33

    super pentru vara!!!

  3. ce manichiura vesela si frumoasa <3

  4. Macar pe unghiutele tale sa fie soare! :* Foarte frumoase:D

  5. Superba combinatia si manichiura! Imi face asa un dor de vara, de bronz. :D Cum ziceam si pe Facebook, pentru sambata am pregatit un gradient exact ca al tau. :D Pupici.

  6. Foarte frumoasa combinatia de culori! E extrem de reusit efectul! :)

  7. daa ma bucur enorm de abi astept sa vad modelul tau cu siguranta v-a fi super frumos si deosebit, te pup

  8. CrisLitlleCorner18 mai 2014 la 20:43

    Ti-au iesit minunat <3


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